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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Facebook revealed to be Zuckerberg’s revenge on university students


UPEI— Following a leaked diplomatic cable between Zuckerberg and UPEI, Facebook, the popular social networking site has been revealed to be Mark Zuckerberg’s plot to ruin the lives of university students as a result of his own bullying in Harvard.

“The plan was simple, I was going to make an addicting website that would distract students, kill productivity, result in widespread failure and eventually destroy the future careers of university students everywhere” said Zuckerberg.

“The hardest part was making Facebook into something addictive. So I called up my friend Eduardo to come up with the Facebook formula. So we scored some coke, rolled a USB stick in it and then plugged it into the computer and uploaded it onto the internet. The result was Facebook.”

Facebook has long been renowned for its addictive qualities, with as much as 40% of users spending 35 or more hours on Facebook per day. This number has been shown to increase during the exam period where most students find themselves needing to stare at their Facebook newsfeed or creep photos of that dick from work for even longer periods of time.

“Whenever we feel that Facebook is starting to lose its addictive or annoying qualities, we release either an update or a new Zynga game.”

One aggravated user shouted at Zuckerberg during the press release, decrying Zuckerberg as a nerd.

“Oh yeah? Well I Facebooked your mom, then I poked her. Now we’re in a relationship. And you know what? It’s complicated!” mocked the visibly sinister Facebook CEO.

“Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!” retorted the user before being removed from the venue by Zuckerberg’s personal army.

Zuckerberg later went on to announce that he’ll be appearing in Christopher Nolan’s the Dark Knight Rises.

“This will be the second movie that I’ve played a villain in,” he explained.

After concluding the press release another disgruntled user called Zuckerberg soulless. After hearing the insult Zuckerberg turned over his shoulder, “why yes, I’ve been ginger my whole life.”

God accused of sponsorship scandal and negligence during 2011 NFL season


SOMEWHERE WHERE FOOTBALL IS PLAYED- God has announced a press meeting to clarify his position during the 2011 NFL season. The meeting was announced when Janice MacGregor received a message from God on a piece of toast.

“I know some of you are wondering what’s been going on lately,” spoke the Morgan-Freeman-voiced cloud before taking a moment to adjust the microphone.

“There have been numerous famines, floods, wars, crimes throughout the world. Let alone that fiasco in Rome. I know many of my fans are wondering “Where the hell is God in all this?” and I want them to know that I was busy and I’m sorry, but I was in Denver. You see, there’s this one guy, Timmy, and Timmy’s been really good this year and all he wants to do is win some football games, so I’ve been helping him out there.”

God signed on as a general manager with the Broncos on October 23rd, coinciding with the decision to put the Christian as the starting quarterback.

Since their partnership, Tebow has managed to tie with Peyton Manning for 4th quarter come-from-behind victories.

“Ya know what? The kid’s got faith, every point scored and he’s Tebowing to me. It’s not exactly slaughtering a fatted calf, or even burning a pigeon, but a deity can only ask for so much these days” spoke the almighty cloud.

The next game will be one for the history books as the Broncos take on the Patriots, putting God on the opposing side of America for the first time since its inception in 1776.

“I believed in a god that stood behind good ol’ American patriotism. Now the big guy has a choice, he can support some kid or he can support America” said senator Susan Collins.

“And provided that the Patriots do not win, I’ve written a proposal to finally remove ‘In God We Trust’ from our money.”