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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Aclausists begin "There's Probably No Santa" Campaign

LONDON- While the debate on the existence of Santa Claus has raged on for many decades, aclausists are sparking debate with a new campaign.

"The 'There's Probably No Santa' campaign is geared at getting the message of a Santa-less world out there" said Warren Buckman, president of A World Without Claus.

The campaign primarily employs the use of advertisements stating "There's probably no Santa, now stop worrying and enjoy your life." The aclausists will primarily be using buses for the means of advertising.

"We aren't out here to start a debate," said Warren "we're really just interested in getting people to stop worrying about whether or not Santa will put presents under the tree. And really, you see so much pro-Santa advertising that it causes you to worry if you've been naughty or nice."

"It's just a refreshing sight," stated Thomas Bulleck "every time I get on a bus, I am affirmed that there's no Santa."

"What the hell does it say on my bus?" asked bus driver Johnson Thurst when questioned about the campaign.

The campaign failed in Charlottetown, PEI, where residents are too technophobic to truly accept the advent of buses.

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