Thursday, November 4, 2010
Annoying Students Mourn Death of One of Their Own
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Student Reporters Escape Turkish Prison; Fight Bear

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Students Propose Alternative Energy Source; Textbooks
Thursday, April 8, 2010
UPEI Uses Tactical Final Examinations Upon Student Nation
Thursday, April 1, 2010
UPEI More Tolerant Than Ever; Elects White Males to Executive
"It really says a lot about a campus that is able to elect a white executive." said diversity expert James Thomas.
"It's shown that, despite being descended from poor immigrants, white people have established themselves in Canada."
However, some commentators are questioning the motivation behind voting.
"All I'm saying is that some voters may have jumped at the opportunity to be the historic group of voters who elected an all white executive." said Ron Merlot, host of UPEI's Generic Politics Show.
"Most of us are not aware of Livingstone's stance of UPEI mandated healthcare."
"I'm really proud of UPEI." said Ralph Mandell.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
All Hail Rob, Glorious Leader, Savior of All
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Separatist Party Aspires For SU Majority Government
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Students Still Struggling With Hook-up Know-How; Clock Remains Best Hook-up Spot
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Charlottetown Increases Parking Fees to Fund New Program to Curb Parking Problems
Friday, February 26, 2010
Room KCI 128 Frozen in Time
Despite the incredible nature of this event, not all scientists are worried.
"It's not really anything to worry about." stated Darryl Osburn, a physicist of some degree, "I mean, it is technically impossible. That, or physics as we know it is entirely wrong. It's also a paradox that destroys all common sense or reasoning. Still, we shouldn't take it too seriously."
Osburn was also quick to reassure that the rest of the Universe should still behave normally.
Others, such as Lisa Colburn, a popular science-fiction author, are emphasizing the positive implications of the time-freeze.
"I mean, think about it. What could cause this? Maybe it's a future civilization attempting to break through the restraints of time. If that's true, maybe sometime we'll be able to break the very laws of nature and go back in time to slap our past selves for making such stupid decisions. Think about the implications, here."
A few students have escaped the room. Jerkles Monnahan is among them.
"At first I didn't notice. I mean, Dr. Osmodeus' class alway seems long, but he was really droning on today. Then I looked at the clock, and it wasn't moving. I knew then that the flow of time itself had stopped. Others gradually caught on, but nobody really knew what to do."
The escapees report that once Professor Osmodeus became aware of the situation, he decided to use it as an opportunity to teach all the material he could not include in the course due to time restraints.
"He said, 'Well, we're on page 67 of 1293. We might as well finish this thing.'. It was probably the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. I just hope the place returns to normal time by the time reading week's over. I wouldn't want to think of the poor students still in that room."
Among those who survived the temporary suspension of physics, most report being saved either by a sword-wielding frog with an Elizabethan speech pattern, or by a frazzled, absent-minded genius riding an 80's sports car.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Experts Recommended New, Upgraded P300x
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
IBM to Introduce New Line of "Impersonal Computers"
Monday, February 22, 2010
Student Awarded Scholarship for Extraordinary Mediocrity
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Peter Mansbridge Announces Entry into Canada's Next Top Model
"This is a moment of great relief for me," announced Mansbridge at a press conference. "I've been wanting to compete since I first watched Canada's Next Top Model in '06. Also, Tyra's my hero" added the beaming news anchor.
Mansbridge was accepted as the 6th of 10 contestants and has already shown to be popular among Canadians.
"On many occasions, Peter has been away from the nightly broadcasts of The National. We all knew that he was modelling on the side, but recognized that he would talk about it when he was ready. We're all rooting for him and we know that he'll go and work those pale legs of his." said Ian Hanomansing, a fellow reporter and would-be model.
"It's nice to have such an A-list celebrity on the show this year. To respond, we're ramping up the competitions and the pressure." said judge Jay Manuel. "Mr. Mansbridge will do well for the photo shoots, but he'll also have to defend the arctic circle from the Reds. That's right, we're having a northern sovereignty special!"
Not all responses have been so kind. Some bloggers have lashed out against Mansbridge for copycatting, a trait becoming more and more prevalent in the news world.
"Really, I think he's trying to steal Keith Olbermann's thunder. Olbermann won The World's Prettiest Asshole competition in January. He should have some time to shine." said celebrity news blogger Maria Travolte.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
President Wade MacLaughlan To Go on Picnic; To Bring Bananas
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Stephen Harper Makes Perogies
OTTAWA- Several weeks ago, Prime Minister Harper announced his intent to cook perogies for everyone in parliament. In what he is calling a huge misunderstanding, many are now accusing him of shutting down parliament.
When the question of serving perogies to parliament came up during question period, John Baird defended the Prime Minister.
"I don't know why the Liberal party is speaking down on the matter. I looked for some wisdom on the subject and found this: 'I love perogies, they're delicious.' Do you know who said that? The Leader of the Opposition!"
Gilles Duceppe is also in favor the Prime Minister's offer.
"We will only accept the perogies if the Prime Minister recognizes the sovereignty of Quebec and as a result gives us two servings." he said, in impeccable English.
Some say that he is abusing his power, putting his personal desires, and his appetite, before his responsibility to his country.
"It's ridiculous!" claimed Wayne Murphy, MP of Some Shitty Island, "Democracy is being suspended, government is no longer accountable to its the very people who give it power. All this for what? Some potato-and-cream filled dumplings? The country should not stop because Stephen Harper is in a culinary mood."
NDP Leader Jack Something has pushed for a motion of non-confidence in the cooking ability of the Prime Minister. "I'm not sure he'd be a good cook. Quite frankly, I don't trust the cooking prowess of a man who gives his son a handshake before school.
This backlash hasn't changed Harper's mind. Recently, the Prime Minister stated that he still plans to pause from per-usual parliamentary proceedings to pursue his passion for preparing and presenting palatable provisions, particularly his personal preference, perogies.
"I don't understand why people are so upset about it." he said, "I thought everyone liked perogies. I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that. Some of my best friends are aperogivores."
Among members of his own party, Harper's decision has received more support. Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries, is among the supporters.
"I hope there's a potluck. Steve can bring his perogies, I'll bring baklava for desert. We'll need a few people on the main course, too. Oh, I hope someone brings pie. I love pie."
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Many Students Still Unaware of Bachelor of Ninjitsu Degree
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Noun Participle Noun Adverb Adverb "Informal Adjective" Preposition Posessive Pronoun Noun
Article adjectival-phrase noun verb possessive pronoun gerund preposition collective noun preposition verb "informal noun", article adjective adjectival-phrase adjectival noun noun verb preposition Proper Noun adverb preposition adjective noun. Definite article noun adverb verb preposition article noun preposition pronoun article participle noun verb preposition transitive verb plural noun preposition noun pronoun verb adjective adverb preposition verb plural pronoun gerund preposition possessive pronoun adjectival-phrase noun.
"First person personal pronoun adverb contract'n verb conjunction pronoun auxiliary verb verb pronoun adverb," verb quantitative adjective noun, participle preposition article possessive noun participle adjective noun. "Pronoun verb, demonstrative pronoun verb article adjective noun. Pronoun verb noun preposition conjunction adjective noun verb preposition." Lazy editor, surprise ending.