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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Noun Participle Noun Adverb Adverb "Informal Adjective" Preposition Posessive Pronoun Noun

NOUN- Plural noun intransitive verb phrase preposition indefinite article participle noun pronoun verb adverb intensifier adverb adjective preposition possessive pronoun adjectival noun noun. Definite article Proper Noun participle noun, verb adverb article ACRONYM, preposition article noun, past tense verb pronoun adjective preposition article adjective plural-noun pronoun adverb verb preposition pronoun preposition verb. 

Article adjectival-phrase noun verb possessive pronoun gerund preposition collective noun preposition verb "informal noun", article adjective adjectival-phrase adjectival noun noun verb preposition Proper Noun adverb preposition adjective noun. Definite article noun adverb verb preposition article noun preposition pronoun article participle noun verb preposition transitive verb plural noun preposition noun pronoun verb adjective adverb preposition verb plural pronoun gerund preposition possessive pronoun adjectival-phrase noun.

"First person personal pronoun adverb contract'n verb conjunction pronoun auxiliary verb verb pronoun adverb," verb quantitative adjective noun, participle preposition article possessive noun participle adjective noun. "Pronoun verb, demonstrative pronoun verb article adjective noun. Pronoun verb noun preposition conjunction adjective noun verb preposition." Lazy editor, surprise ending.

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